fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical
fall leaves -- vertical

The Sansom Family Newsletter ~ Fall Issue ~ 2002

New pictures, snapshots, & photos

Andrew helps Kyle with his computer

Andrew helps Kyle with his computer -- August 4, 2002

Andrew & Kyle at Kyle's computer

Andrew and Kyle at Kyle's computer playing "Bear in the Big Blue House" -- August 4, 2002

Ben (daddy) setting up Kyle's computer -- August 4, 2002

Andrew & Kyle at their computers

Andrew and Kyle at their computers -- August 4, 2002

Andrew & Kyle on their computers

Andrew and Kyle playing "Bear in the Big Blue House" on their computers (file servers are awesome inventions) -- August 4, 2002

Kyle and his computer

Kyle at his computer -- August 4, 2002

Andrew at his computer -- August 4, 2002

Andrew -- meet the teacher day

Andrew on "Meet the Teacher Day" (the Friday before school started) -- August 16, 2002

Andrew on "Meet the Teacher Day" -- August 16, 2002

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Bright sun -- first day of school

Andrew's first day of school was bright and sunny -- August 19, 2002

Andrew ready for his first day of school

Andrew ready for his first day of school -- August 19, 2002

going home time -- 1st day of school

Going home time on Andrew's first day of school (he's sitting down on the right side of the picture) -- August 19, 2002

Andrew getting picked up on first day of school

Andrew getting picked up after his first day of school -- August 19, 2002